Lehti on PHA-Europa:n julkaisema jäsenlehti, joka ilmestyy kahdesti vuodessa. Täältä löydät Mariposan aiemmat numerot.

Mariposa Journal – 2021 winter N.27
The journal is available from here: PHAE – Mariposa Journal (2021 Winter N.27)
Mariposa Journal – 2021 summer N.26
Dear Friends, I am happy to share with you the Summer 2021 edition of Mariposa. As you might know this edition is solely dedicated to World PH Day events all over the world and provides a nice overview of what has been achieved on a local, European and global level. This year was challenging […]
Mariposa Journal – 2020 winter N.25
Dear Friends, I am delighted to present the Winter 2020 edition of Mariposa. No one would have thought at the beginning of the year how special and challenging the coming days would be. On the 10th of March, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.